In August 2017, Centrum Balticum Foundation published the BSR Policy Briefing 4/2017 National innovation and smart specialisation governance in the Baltic Sea region - Laying grounds for an enhanced macro-regional science-business cooperation, highlighting the smart specialisation areas strongly represented in such Baltic Sea Region (BSR) countries as Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. This smart specialisation mapping exercise was concluded by identifying health sector (and bio technologies in particular), digital growth via focus on information and communication technologies and sustainable energy, as being widely represented smart specialisation areas.

The outlined BSR Policy Briefing serves as a point of departure for further exploration of country specific trends in view of developing the BSR-wide mapping exercise.

The country-specific part of Sweden presented in this research paper outlines the commonalities traceable between Sweden and earlier analysed BSR countries.

Swedish Innovation and Smart Specialisation Governance in the Baltic Sea Region's Context
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